• Teresa Yang is a Pathwork Helper and teacher in the Greater Washington DC area as well as Mid-Atlantic Pathwork. She is the founder of the Pathwork in Taiwan. Assisted Pathwork Transformation Program in the United States and Japan (2018-2023).

    Teresa brings the wisdom of Pathwork teaching (including the 50/50 work and the Third Pole methods), meditation, yoga, and Human Design into her own personal practice. Her mission is to support and empower individuals to discover their true essence, to love themselves, and to live a balanced life through Body, Mind, Emotions, and Spirit on the journey of self-discovery.

    Teresa offers individual sessions, workshops, Pathwork lectures studies and Human Design Analysis in English and Mandarin.

  • PATHWORK® is a guide to the heart and is a map to our spiritual journey for self-discovering and transformation.

    It is based on a series of 258 lectures that were given through Eva Pierrakos from 1957 through 1979. These lectures cover a wide range of topics dealing with psychological and spiritual growth. The collection of teachings provide a map of how the psyche works on various conscious levels.

    Pathwork is a body of spiritual wisdom that lays out a step-by-step journey into personal transformation and wholeness, down to the very core of our being. It is a voyage of discovery to the Real Self through the layers of our pain, defenses, denial and fear.

    In addition, Pathwork is ...

    Emotional Intelligence ~ Inner Child Work ~ Self Love ~ Self Acceptance ~ Self Responsibility ~ A process of Maturing ~ Prayers ~ Meditations ~ Healing ~ Coming Home ~ Connection to all parts of the selves ~ A spiritual journey of discovering and transformation ~ A guide to the heart ~ and more ...

    Lectures in 中文 Click Here

    Lectures and audio in ENGLISH Click Here

  • The 50/50 work offers a deep understanding of the Pathwork Guide Lectures through an illumination of their most profound concepts:

    ~ Duality (“100/100”)

    ~ The transitional State of human consciousness (“50/50”)

    ~ The unitive state of consciousness (“100”)

    The teachings around these concepts form the conceptual framework for the 50/50 work.

    The heart of the work is the transitional state of human consciousness (50/50). In this state, you accept life on life’s terms while simultaneously recognizing the new vision (100) evolving through the fog. Gradually, you become undefended. You accept everything and resist nothing.

    This 50/50 work, then, is the work of becoming “perfectly imperfect,” becoming “utterly and merely human.” … [excerpt from the book “50/50 Talks” by Moira Shaw and Bert Shaw]

  • The "Third Pole" (The "Troisième Pôle") is a method of returning to the self, created by Marianne Hubert on the basis of her near-death experiences which opened her to a broader vision of life on earth: we are all totally divine human beings and we possess an unlimited source of what is desirable. To access this, we can gradually transform our defense mechanisms that stem from our history and experience that the universe has only one wish: to ground us in happiness, abundance and pleasure. In this most beautiful of journeys, that of the encounter with oneself, the annoyances constitute the bricks to build the life of freedom and meaning we dream of.

  • Human Design is a system of awareness that weaves together Astrology, the I-Ching, the Kabbalah, and the Chakra system.

    It is a science of differentiation of how our energy moves through the world. Our unique imprint from birth affects how we experience ourselves and how we interact with others and the world.

    Each of us has a unique way of living in our body and Human Design reveals that.