What is Pathwork?

Pathwork is a guide to the heart. It is based on a body of teachings channeled by Eva Pierrakos from 1957 through 1979. The Pathwork teachings provide a framework for understanding human consciousness, emotional healing, and spiritual development.

At its core, Pathwork emphasizes self-awareness, self-responsibility, and the integration of the conscious and unconscious aspects of the self. It offers a map of the human psyche, describing various defense mechanisms, emotional patterns, and barriers to personal growth. Through self-exploration and inner work, individuals are guided to identify and heal unresolved emotional pains, release limiting beliefs, and cultivate greater authenticity and wholeness.

Pathwork teachings include lectures, exercises, and meditations designed to facilitate personal transformation and spiritual awakening. The Pathwork process involves loving self-examination and working through fears, resistance, and unconscious patterns, ultimately leading to greater self-acceptance, inner peace, and connection with one's true essence.

Pathwork is ...

Emotional Intelligence ~ Inner Child Work ~ Self Love ~ Self Acceptance ~ Self Responsibility ~ A process of Maturing ~ Prayers ~ Meditations ~ Healing ~ Coming Home ~ Connection to all parts of the selves ~ A spiritual journey of discovering and transformation ~ A guide to the heart ~ and more ...

Pathwork: Transform Your life

A Transformative journey of self-discovery.

Deep inner healing, spiritual growth, and personal development.

A journey towards greater self-awareness, inner peace, and empowerment.

Some suggested Pathwork Lectures

[pdf] [audio] 073 Compulsion to Recreate and Overcome Childhood Hurts
pdf] [audio] 089 Emotional Growth and Its Function
pdf] [audio] 095 Self-Alienation and the way back to the Real Self
pdf] [audio] 183 The Spiritual meaning of Crisis
pdf] [audio] 127 Evolution's four stages: Automatic Reflexes, Awareness, Understanding, Knowing
pdf] [audio] 133 Love: Not a commandment, but spontaneous soul movement of the inner self
pdf] [audio] 189 Self-Identification Determined Through Stages of Consciousness
pdf] [audio] 204 What is the Path?

Complete 258 Lectures and audio in ENGLISH, Click Here