Pathwork Sessions

The goal of sessions is to provide a holistic personalized guidance and support that tailor to your unique Needs & Circumstances, to explore and have a profound understanding of yourself and your path in life.

We will co-create a secure space to support you in your personal work - a confidential, supportive, non-judgmental container where you can begin to peel away the layers that no longer serve you, and opening to a new way of living.

This is a journey of Self-discovery on your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual realms - explore your inner landscape, heal emotional wounds, unlock your true potential, and more...

Pathwork principles and 50/50 work will be applied to help to support your work.

You may receive suggestions for reading material or exercises/assignments between sessions to help speed up the work.

Sessions are available for at least one hour via Zoom.

Language: English, Mandarin

  • The 50/50 work offers a deep understanding of the Pathwork Guide Lectures through an illumination of their most profound concepts:

    ~ Duality (“100/100”)

    ~ The transitional State of human consciousness (“50/50”)

    ~ The unitive state of consciousness (“100”)

    The teachings around these concepts form the conceptual framework for the 50/50 work.

    The heart of the work is the transitional state of human consciousness (50/50). In this state, you accept life on life’s terms while simultaneously recognizing the new vision (100) evolving through the fog. Gradually, you become undefended. You accept everything and resist nothing.

    This 50/50 work, then, is the work of becoming “perfectly imperfect,” becoming “utterly and merely human.” … [excerpt from the book “50/50 Talks” by Moira Shaw and Bert Shaw]