Upcoming events 2024

Defense systems and the Lower Self
to May 26

Defense systems and the Lower Self

May 2024 Lecture Study Monday evening 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM EST | Growing with Pathwork Studies Program (GPS)

Led by Pathwork Helper Teresa Yang

Please join Teresa Yang to explore your divine attributes (love, power, serenity) and examining your distortion of them through the lens of your personality types …

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Meet and Work with the Inner Child
to Apr 29

Meet and Work with the Inner Child

April 2024 Lecture Study Monday evening 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM EST | Growing with Pathwork Studies Program (GPS)

Led by Pathwork Helper Teresa Yang

In April, we will begin with lecture 73 to really finding and seeing the truth about yourself through exploring the reason behind the compulsive recreate, linking your present difficulties and problems with your childhood hurts, seeing the similarity between the present and past hurts, moving from …

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Let Go and Let God
to Feb 27

Let Go and Let God

February 2023 Lecture Study Monday evening 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM EST | Growing with Pathwork Studies Program (GPS)

Led by Pathwork Helper Teresa Yang

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Living from Source
to Nov 22

Living from Source

November 2021 Lecture Study Monday evening 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM EST | Growing with Pathwork Studies Program (GPS)

Led by Pathwork Helper Teresa Yang

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