Human Design is a system of awareness that weaves together Astrology, the I-Ching, the Kabbalah, and the Chakra system.

It is a science of differentiation of how our energy moves through the world. Our unique imprint from birth affects how we experience ourselves and how we interact with others and the world.

Each of us has a unique way of living in our body and Human Design reveals that.

Unlock your Potential: Discover your Human Design Today

  • The Foundation Analysis is the first step to learn about your birth imprint. It introduces you to your own unique design and gives you a clear understanding of how your energy is designed to operate and how you make decisions from body-consciousness in this life time.

    You will learn practical tools for accessing your own inner truth and the mechanical knowledge of your potential gifts and possible pitfalls, and learn the signposts for how you can interact with the world around you and yet stay true to yourself.

    Session is 90 minutes (via zoom) and will be recorded for your future reference. What we need is your birth date, place, and a reliable birth time.

  • Transformation 1: Dietary Regimen. Correct intake of food according to your design leads inner fine-tuning for better access to your Strategy & inner Authority, your body intelligence.

    Transformation 2: Environment. Your fine-tuned body will lead you to recognize and be attracted to the right environment for you, where you will live a healthy life, meet the least resistance, be protected from the conditioning of others and meet the right people to fulfill your purpose.

    Transformation 3: Perspective (view) & Distraction. De-conditioning the mind through knowing your view - What should your mind see on your individual stage of life and how does it fall into the transference.

    Transformation 4: Motivation & Transference - our Awareness. De-conditioning of the mind through knowing your motivation. Understanding your correct motivation and its transference can guide you and keep you on track to fulfill your purpose. Learn what pulls you away from living your true self.

    Analysis: The overview for each transformation step is 60 minutes (via zoom) and will be recorded for your future reference.

    Coaching/Consultation: minimum 6 consulting sessions are recommended to support you in your transformation process for each step. Each session is 60 minutes (via zoom) and will be recorded for your future reference.

    Prerequisite: A Foundation Analysis

    Recommendation: Being in your experiment of following your Type, Strategy and Authority for some time.

  • Life Cycle analysis are Readings that show the 'weather' during certain periods of your life. Your natal design, 'who you are' never changes, however, conditioning elements are present as themes during major cycles of your life. As nine-center beings, each individual goes through various cycles depending on their age.

    Solar Return Analysis is the most detailed of the Life Cycle Analysis and it’s a great birthday present to yourself. Here, we look at the conditioning elements for the year ahead. Each year brings educational opportunities and personal connections. We will look at the themes and people you will encounter and how to navigate the conditioning field as your true self. Session is 90 minutes (via zoom) and will be recorded for your future reference. What we need is your birth date, place, and a reliable birth time. Prerequisite: A Foundation Analysis. Recommendation: 3 months before your birthday.

    The Saturn Return is one of the Life Cycles that happens around the age of 28-32, and again around the age of 58-60. The Saturn Return around the age of 28-32 is the first major life cycle - a major shift of stepping out of youth and transitioning towards adulthood. Saturn Return Analysis helps you to understand what stage is being set for your Saturn Return, the opportunities and obstacles, distractions and developments. Recommended for all. A must-have for 6th line profiles (3/6, 4/6, 6/2, 6/3), which could carry through to around age 50, as this marks your transition to the Roof Phase of your Tripartite life. Session is 90 minutes (via zoom) and will be recorded for your future reference. What we need is your birth date, place, and a reliable birth time. Prerequisite: A Foundation Analysis. Recommendation: After you have been experimenting with your design for a few years. Ideally, 28-32 years old

    The Uranus Opposition is the Life Cycle around mid-life period. Here we focus on the transition from the South Node ‘breathing in’ to the North Node ‘breathing out’. Another significant shift in the life occurs at this time. This is where you ending the Saturn Return and transitioning closer to your maturation. Session is about 90 minutes (via zoom) and will be recorded for your future reference. What we need is your birth date, place, and a reliable birth time. Prerequisite: A Foundation Analysis. Recommendation: After you have been experimenting with your design for a few years. Ideally, 38-42 years old.

    Kiron Return is a major Life Cycle around age 48-50, a time of flowering as an adult and shows you exactly what you need in order to complete the maturation of your consciousness process. This map of the true and correct self will reveal the potentials of wisdom as you learn what will enrich your process. Session is 90 minutes (via zoom) and will be recorded for your future reference. What we need is your birth date, place, and a reliable birth time. Prerequisite: A Foundation Analysis. Recommendation: After you have completed at least one 7 year deconditioning cycle.

  • Our purpose is expressed through our Incarnation Cross – but this can only be achieved after we have entered into the experiment of Strategy and Authority, and de-conditioning. Your gifts are expressed through your Incarnation Cross once you are operating correctly in the world.

    Session is 90 minutes (via zoom) and will be recorded for your future reference. What we need is your birth date, place, and a reliable birth time.

    Prerequisite: A Foundation Analysis

    Recommendation: Being in your experiment of following your Type, Strategy and Authority for some time.

  • Relationship Analysis is a no-blame analysis sheds light on the relationships in your life. Any relationship qualifies: spouse/partner, lover, family member, co-worker or friend.

    We will explore the conditioning elements at play so you can begin to understand how the mechanics are affecting your relationship. We will take a look at the overall themes present in the relationship as well as the potential challenges and places of ease. This reading brings acceptance and understanding. Once you understand the working mechanics at play you will have the tools for improved communication and mutual understanding.

    Correct relationships are very important and you are here to relate to the other as yourself.

    Session is 90 minutes (via zoom) and will be recorded for your future reference. What we need is each person’s birth date, place, and a reliable birth time.

    Prerequisite: A Foundation Analysis for each person

Language: English, Mandarin

Start living in alignment with your authentic self today

Discover your unique blueprint for success, fulfillment, and self-awareness

Gain insights into your strengths, challenges, potential, and navigate life with clarity & purpose

Start your path to awakening with awareness of your body’s sophisticated, heightened intelligence, and a deep trust in this intelligence to be your compass through life. By fully trusting your own ability to navigate life, you’ll become more accepting of yourself, and able to genuinely love yourself – and others.