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Resistance and Defiance - Overcoming Negativity

April 2022 Lecture Study | Growing with Pathwork Studies Program (GPS)

April 11, 25, 2022 (Monday 8:00 - 9:30 PM EST)

Led by Pathwork Helper Teresa Yang

Please join Teresa Yang for a presentation of Resistance and Defiance – Overcoming Negativity, based on Pathwork Lecture 176 Overcoming Negativity

The Pathwork Guide says if we were not negatively involved with creation, we would not be human, we would not live on this plane of consciousness, which expresses a particular degree of development. And the Guide also says it is humanity’s task on this earth to struggle out of its negative creation – a maze that we seem so inextricably and inexorably caught.

Please join Teresa, together, to go deeper and to explore the 4 steps of overcoming the maze of our own illusion and negative creation.

“… the moment you realize that the positive creation is already there within you only covered up, and that it can unfold and reveal itself the moment you allow this to happen, abandoning negativity becomes a relief from a heavy burden that has pulled you down all your life -- and in many lives before this one.” ~ #176

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