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Defense systems and the Lower Self

May 2024 Lecture Study | Growing with Pathwork Studies Program (GPS)

May 6, 13, 20, 27, 2024 (Monday 7:30 - 9:00 PM EST)

Led by Pathwork Helper Teresa Yang

Please join Teresa Yang to explore your divine attributes (love, power, serenity) and their distortion through the lens of your personality types based on Pathwork Lecture 43 Three Basic Personality Types: Reason, Will, Emotion and 84 Love, Power, Serenity as Devine Attributes and as Distortions.

 We are not our personality types

Personality types are a form of defense system. They are products of us being in duality and the result of us misusing our divine attributes to defend against pain. Personality types are a distortion of our true identity. Understanding our personality types helps us to be closer to our soul and our real self.

When in balance, LOVE, POWER, and SERENITY work side by side, in perfect harmony with each other. Each principles alternates according to the specific need of a situation complement one another. If distorted, they are mutually exclusive and work against one another.

In May, we will begin with lecture 84, grounding ourselves in our Divine Self and Divine attributes, and then moving into exploring our distortion of Love, Power, and Serenity, as well as personality types (Emotion, Will, and Reason). We will be inquiring into how and where they show up in our daily life, and what’s the price we pay (or had been paid) by continuing doing so.

The Promise

“… you will begin to see values you have never truly seem or been aware of. And a feeling of strength and self-confidence in a very different way will make you see life and yourself. Gradually, little by little, this process will take place. It will strengthen true independence, not the false kind, in that being appreciated by others will no longer be the yardstick for your own sense of value.”                                                                  ~ Pathwork Lecture 84 (Unedited version)


     PGL 43: The Three Personality Types: Reason, Will, and Emotion,
PGL 84: Love, Power, Serenity as Divine Attribute and as Distortions

April 8

Meet and Work with the Inner Child